
This is a tutorial to teach you how to issue RM 5 voucher to customer. BrandK support a default RM 5 voucher issuance. You can easily issue RM 5 voucher in KPOSCASHIER by default setting.

Step by Step Guide

RM 5 voucher
  1. Select customer’s table or a table with order
RM 5 voucher

2. At search field, key in customer barcode number (last few digit), or you can use barcode scanner to scan the barcode

RM 5 voucher

3. Select the customer by matched name

RM 5 voucher

4. Select this “Issue Voucher”

RM 5 voucher

5. “Success” Message show, vouchers has been issued

RM 5 voucher

6. If customer does not use this voucher, this voucher will show at customer’s BrandK app. It is under My infor – Voucher. Customer can know the voucher expiry date from their app.

RM 5 voucher

7. If customer need to use the voucher now. You can click red colour “Apply”.

RM 5 voucher

8. Here showing member discount applied, and just now you have click applied RM 5 voucher.

RM 5 voucher

9. Once you click this overall “Apply” button, membership discount and RM 5 will apply into the bill

RM 5 voucher

10. You can see the membership discount has been issued and recognize under the bill.

Need to Contact us?

If you still having issue on the above tutorial. You can contact BrandK Support via WhatsApp.

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