How to cancel customer single order? (Dine in / Takeaway/ PreOrder)

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How to cancel customer single order? (Dine in / Takeaway/ PreOrder) This tutorial will teach you how to cancel single order for dine in, takeaway (takeout) or preorder in BrandK POS System. Single order means a order under an order bill.  

How to cancel customer single order? (Dine in / Takeaway/ PreOrder) Step by Step Guide.

single order

1. Select the order you want to cancel, at “Table”? At “Takeout”? At “Pre-Order”?

single order

2. If at “Table”, select the table you want to cancel order

single order

3. If at “Takeout”, select the order you want to cancel order

single order

4. If at “Pre-Order”, select the order you want to cancel order

single order

5. Go to “Receipt”

single order

6. Look for the item you need to cancel

single order

7. Click this “X”

single order

8. Record being deleted. Click this red button “Update”

single order

9. Click “Order Now” and collect new order receipt

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