Real Time Cancelation and Void Notification

Real Time Cancelation and Void Notification

• Real time notification for all cancellation order

• Real time notification for all Void sales.

•Transparency and cross-checking management

•Boss can identify issue immediately.

•Remote monitoring shop activity.

•Password Protected for void sales.

•Input Name & Reason to cancel.

BrandK POS System Real Time Cancelation and Void Notification

Cancel Notification

Real time notification receives in mobile app

Void Notification

Real time notification receives in mobile app

Immediately Identify issue.

Identify solve issue and avoid issue become serious

Remote Monitoring

Boss can remotely monitor shop without being at shop

Real Time Notification Give You High Sense of Security

All shop monitor under 1 app, real time notification receives

Worker more alert when using POS System

Avoid staff miss-using Cash drawer money

Staff unable to cheat from payment or order activity.

Any void sales happened will trigger notification to boss mobile app


Real Time Void Sales Notification

With BrandK POS System real Time Void Sales notification, Bosses can immediately know all the void sales transaction. Bosses can identify the void sales is due to mistake or intentionally by the staff. Bosses can immediately solve the issue without delay. In another way, staff will pay more attention while attend work.


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